Developing a collaborative approach to mental ill health prevention

Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire Healthcare would like to invite mental health partners, service users, families and carers to join us in developing a collaborative approach to mental ill health prevention.
Our first Nottingham City prevention concordat for better mental health co-production workshop will take place on Tuesday 5 November, 2-5pm at Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service, 7 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FB.
To secure a place at the workshop, please book a free ticket online here.
Terms such as ‘collaborative working’ can be confusing, if you want to know more about collaborative working, this 15 minute film provides a good background to the concept. If you would like further information after watching the video, please go to
We are keen involve as many mental health service users, families, carers, staff and partners as possible and so please do forward this invitation to any contacts you think might be interested in attending.
Refreshments will be provided. Travel expenses will be reimbursed up to the value of £5.10 if you are a mental health service user, or a family member or carer of a mental health service user.
If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Keenan (Insight Specialist – Public Health, Nottingham City Council) on 0115 956 5765 or
We look forward to welcoming you on Tuesday 5 November.