Community services to move back to Notts Healthcare

A range of community services delivered by Primary Integrated Community Services (PICS) on behalf of Nottinghamshire Healthcare are to transfer back to the Trust under new contractual arrangements. We want to assure you that we are committed to building on the great work undertaken by PICS and hope the move will help us to create consistency and improve system efficiency across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
PICS currently provides a community service for patients mainly across the Broxtowe area (Nottingham West), and heart failure in Nottingham North and East (Gedling and Hucknall) on behalf of Notts Healthcare while patients across the rest of Nottinghamshire receive the Trust's in-house services.
While we understand some patients may be concerned about this development, we can assure them that anyone receiving specialist community nursing services from PICS will experience minimal changes when the transfer comes into effect on 1 January 2025.
We hope that many of the same staff will be delivering the services, and we also want to continue to deliver them from the same locations. To this end, we are currently in negotiations with local settings and GP Practices. We will contact all patients currently under the care of the services to ensure they have the contact numbers they need.
PICS colleagues affected will be protected by TUPE rights and will transfer into the Trust if they choose to. We are working with PICS and other local partners to mitigate any wider impacts and to enable a seamless transfer of services. Following the move, we will continue to review and improve the service to align with other localities across the county.
How you can contact services from 1 Jan 2024
There will be no change as this service sits in Primary Care. Patients will therefore contact their GP surgery.
Cardiorespiratory Services
Patients can contact Cardiology, Pulmonary Rehab and Respiratory on 0115 844 0510. Email addresses dependent on locality are:
- Nottingham North and East:
- Nottingham West:
End of Life non-malignant pathway (palliative Care for people who do not have cancer)
Patients can contact the service on 0300 083 0100 or email:
South Notts Community Hub
If in any doubt, the South Notts Community Hub on 0300 083 0100 will support all patients with queries if required by telephone and are aware of the PICS transfer of community services.