Come and hear a review of the year at our Annual General Meeting and Annual Members’ Meeting

Local people are invited to hear a review of the year for mental health, substance misuse, intellectual disability and community health services at the Trust's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Annual Members’ Meeting (AMM).
The event, focusing on ‘A Year in Review’ will be held on Thursday 19 July at Duncan Macmillan House, Porchester Road, Nottingham NG3 6AA from 2.00pm – 3.15pm in Conference Rooms 1 and 2.
There will be an opportunity to hear about our performance and successes over the past year and to ask questions.
Ruth Hawkins, Chief Executive, said: “I am looking forward to this year’s AGM and AMM. During the meeting, we will discuss the progress we have made against our objectives; some of the challenges we have faced and are currently facing; and some of our successes and achievements over the past year.
“I also look forward to hearing from people who use our services or have an interest in them; what they think we do well and, most importantly, where we could improve.”
To register for the event please email or call 0115 993 4530