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Children's Mental Health Week 2021 (Feb1-7)

All of this week, the Trust will be celebrating Children's Mental Health Week 2021 (Monday 1 February to Sunday 7 February)

This year’s theme is Express Yourself and the campaign organisers, Place2Be, want to encourage children and young people to explore the different ways they can express themselves, and the creative ways that they can share their feelings, thoughts and ideas.

Supporting children and young people to be mentally healthy has never been more important. It’s been a difficult time for many young people and while some may have enjoyed being off school, others will have really struggled being apart from their friends and family. That’s why it’s important to look at creative ways to help children and young people to open up about what they’re feeling.

During Children's Mental Health Week, our teams who work with children, young people and their families have a full programme of events planned, including videos of children and young people sharing their experiences, a virtual café, virtual wellbeing and support group, Healthy Families Team Advice Line launch and starting with Monday’s Dress to Express yourself day.

Look out for more throughout the week!



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