Changes to adult mental health rehabilitation services
Following a comprehensive consultation, Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s Board of Directors has approved plans to close two rehabilitation units, Heather Close in Mansfield and Broomhill House in Nottingham. The units will remain open until all inpatients have been clinically assessed and an appropriate discharge package is in place for each individual.
This decision has not been taken lightly and the Board is mindful of the strong views raised during the extended consultation period. We have taken notice of those views and we will be improving the support offered to carers and people using the enhanced community rehabilitation service to make sure that they do not fall into crisis. This is reflected in what was agreed at the Board today.
This decision is in line with the Trust’s long term clinical strategy to enhance community services and reduce the number of inpatient beds. We have recruited additional staff to the team and that team will ensure the continuity of care for current inpatients once discharged and those supported in outreach. The Community Rehabilitation team will be working from Manor Road, which is only just along from Broomhill House so for many clients there will be very little change.
After the closures we will be working closely with Healthwatch Nottingham to monitor the changes and assess their impact. This will allow us to review our service and put in place any extra support needed. We are confident that this decision will not result in an increase in admissions and that we will be able to help more people to live successfully in the community.