Celebrating success at the Sense of Community Awards

Rampton Hospital hosted the inaugural Sense of Community Awards on 31 October, marking the end of six months’ hard work across eight wards (Phase 1) in the Hospital which had taken part in a ‘Sense of Community’ project of their choice.
The project aim is to encourage collaborative working and enhance the sense of community by using shared interests to work on something meaningful to the ward community.
Three judging groups made up of volunteers, commissioners and senior managers spent the day getting involved in activities and listening to presentations from the staff and patients, who explained their projects in more detail, followed by a tour of the participating wards.
Lynne Corcoran, Project Lead said: "There was a lot of competition on the day as there was a high standard of project work and the projects included a variety of creations - from The ‘Rampton Rebels’, a band from Burne Ward who performed on the day, to Quantock Ward’s football project ‘Quantock United’ and the ‘Rubettes’ garden growing lettuce and carrots created by Ruby Ward in the Women’s Service, with a blog tracking their progress."
After some deliberation, Ruby Ward won the top prize, receiving a handmade wooden Sense of Community trophy. The ward has plans to redevelop another outdoor area and the judges were particularly impressed with the ward’s inclusive approach.
The next phase of the project, ‘What Christmas means to Us’, will include all wards at Rampton. This will be an opportunity for wards to work on a project which connects staff and patients and the other Sense of Community trophy will be awarded following the judging day in December. From January 2018, all wards will again begin work on a project of their choice.