Celebrating Overseas NHS Workers’ Day

Overseas NHS Workers’ Day takes place 1 March 2024. It is a day for us to recognise the incredible contributions and value international workers bring to the NHS. We know that the NHS has always needed people from overseas from trained doctors, nurses, AHPs and a wide range of other professionals.
Diversity, as well as equality and inclusion, is an essential part of everything we do at Nottinghamshire Healthcare. We truly value all of our colleagues and are proud of having such a diverse workforce and all the benefits this brings.
We would like to thank all our international colleagues for their amazing contributions and dedication, whether that is in a frontline or supporting role, in providing the best care for our patients.
Hear from Jen Guiver, Executive Director of People and Culture, who shares a message for our international colleagues:
At Nottinghamshire Healthcare, we’ve recruited some highly skilled overseas colleagues to come and work for us. You can read what they said about working for Nottinghamshire Healthcare as an international worker below.
I am Anchu Ashok from India and came to the UK on 8 January 2024. During all stages of the process Nottinghamshire Healthcare were very supportive and keen to address candidate concerns. They helped me in every stage especially in interview preparation, Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) training, NMC registration and visa processing.
I should mention I had great OSCE learning experience, the knowledge of the subject matter was evident, and delivered the material in a way that was engaging and easy to follow. The tutor Mathew Marcano was amazing and very supportive. It helped me pass OSCE in the first attempt. I am really grateful for all their support for helping me to achieve my goals and enhance my career.
Anchu Ashok, Staff Nurse
Watch what some of our international colleagues said about their experience of coming to the UK to work at the Trust.
Pearlina Robinson-Mayers, Clinical Team Leader https://youtu.be/bi8TD8Ox6sU
Matthew Marcano, Clinical Nurse Educator International Recruitment https://youtu.be/7uWlDg332ak
International Nurse recruitment programme
The Trust has an International Nurse recruitment programme, developed to provide comprehensive assistance to international nurses as they transition to the UK and work towards becoming a registered mental health nurse or registered general health nurse.
We are committed to helping to successfully complete the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) within the first 12 weeks of arrival. Our Programme plays a crucial role in ensuring optimal staffing levels and upholding exceptional standards of care across our adult inpatient services, forensic services and offender health.
More information is available on our Recuitment website in relation to relocation package, International Nurse recruitment programme support, registration process for our International Nurse recruitment programme and OSCE.