Celebrating our apprentices for National Apprenticeship Week

It’s National Apprenticeships Week this week (3 -9 February) and we’re putting a spotlight on apprenticeships and the opportunities they bring for individuals and the Trust.
This annual celebration, now in its 13th year, is the perfect opportunity to celebrate the benefits of apprenticeships. Coordinated by the National Apprenticeship Service, this year’s theme ‘Look Beyond’ celebrates the diversity in apprenticeships today. Bringing the whole apprenticeship community together, the week celebrates the impact of apprenticeships on individuals, employers and the economy.
Three colleagues share their apprenticeship stories on the Trust's blog.
Chloe Brumpton, physiotherapist apprentice at the Trust, said:
“Without a doubt it is very rewarding. It enables me to still work with my patients whilst learning and continuing to support my colleagues. I’ve been able to apply things that I’ve learnt at university or whilst on placement and carry this over into my own therapy work.
“To all those who are contemplating an apprenticeship, then I encourage you to do it! The thought of university work and exams can be off putting, but the trust and university have great support mechanisms in place to help students. The time and length of the course maybe a barrier, however, I can honestly say the time is flying."
In the second blog, Billy Williamson, apprentice in the Learning and Organisational Development Department, shares his story about how a traineeship and apprenticeship has been a valuable start to his career since leaving school.
In the third, Helen Baxter, who is approaching the half-way point in her apprenticeship, studying a BSc (Honours) Occupational Therapy degree, shares what it’s really like to be an apprentice.
Nottinghamshire Healthcare offers a variety of apprenticeships from Level 2 to Level 7 across most job roles, all of which can be found on the government’s apprentice website - www.apprenticeships.gov.uk
For further information and advice on apprenticeships at Nottinghamshire Healthcare email Heather Porter, Learning Advisor and Apprenticeship Lead, at heather.porter@nottshc.nhs.uk
You can read all three blogs at: www.on-our-mind-notts.blogspot.com
Keep up to date on Twitter and share your own apprenticeship stories using #NAW2020, #LookBeyond and don't forget to tag @Nottshealthcare hashtags.