Celebrating our AHPs

Today is AHP Day and an opportunity to celebrate our Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and a chance to find out more about what they do. We hope to inspire you and would like to invite you to appreciate, connect and celebrate our AHPs.
Allied Health Professionals make up around 9% of our staff at the Trust and include 10 different and diverse professions working across our Community Health, Mental Health and Forensic Divisions, representing 670 registered practitioners working with a range of individual professional specialisms. Do you know who they all are and the diverse roles they deliver Trust wide?
We have:
Arts therapists – Drama, Art and Music
Occupational therapists
Podiatry surgeons
Speech and language therapists
To find out more about these AHP roles visit our website: https://www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/allied-health-professionals
We will also be sharing lots of great content on the Trust’s Twitter account so don’t forget to follow us at @NottsHealthcare and @AHPsNottsHC and use the hashtag #AHPs2020 in your posts.
For more information on our Allied Health Professionals contact:
della.money@nottshc.nhs.uk / suzanne.avington@nottshc.nhs.uk or our AHP Strategy Associates - jessica.renton@nottshc.nhs.uk; jenny.bailey@nottshc.nhs.uk or emma.atkinson@nottshc.nhs.uk