Case review by the National Guardian's Office

In response to a referral regarding the handling of speaking up, the National Guardian’s Office (NGO) has announced it will be carrying out a case review of speaking up in the Trust.
The purpose of the review is to look at how the Trust has responded to its staff speaking up and to publish its findings. Where the NGO receives evidence that good practice has not been followed the review will make recommendations on how this can be improved.
“Importantly, the report will also commend areas of good practice and will be used by other NHS organisations as a means of identifying learning and assessing their own speaking up practices and processes,” said Dr Henrietta Hughes, the National Guardian for the NHS.
Chief Executive, Ruth Hawkins, added: “We welcome the scrutiny offered by this case review of speaking up. Whilst we are proud of what we have achieved so far with our Freedom to Speak up Guardian and other staff voice initiatives, we know we can do more. The Trust is keen to learn and improve and we hope this will be another tool to aid us with that.”
Any staff members who would like to contact the case review team can do so via email: