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Career opportunities in high secure care

Are you looking for a new career in mental health services? 

Rampton Hospital is hosting a special open day for nurses and occupational therapists interested in a career in high secure mental health nursing.

We have some unique opportunities for qualified RMN/RNLDs and Occupational Therapists working in one of only three high secure hospitals in the Country. 

Come along to the open day to learn more about a new and rewarding career, have a tour of the site and talk to us about the employment opportunities we currently have available.

Thursday 26 October 2017
10.00 -15.00
Rampton Hospital, Retford

Benefits include:
Access to specialist training
A commitment to continuing professional development and investment in staff
Generous annual leave

To register your interest to attend and for more details see Oct recruitment flyer (Read-Only).pdf [pdf] 115KB



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