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Black History Month - Poem from Sharon Gordon

Reclaiming our narratives

What you narrate i.e. the stories I receive

Doesn’t always marry up with what I believe

You tell me a story and claim it is mine

My version is different, and I don’t think that’s fine

It is not fine because a lot is untrue

So, don’t narrate for me and I won’t narrate for you.


Do you want to know my story? I have one, it’s a thing

I am a child of great ancestors, and a queen and a king

I am one shade of greatness, and you are another

But your narratives ignore mine, so I’m left to suffer.


The stories I know and the stories you tell

There’s a great disparity and I’m just told “Oh well”

You can’t tell me my story; you’ve been trying for years

Go on, keep trying but I will close my ears.


I will tell my story, the story about me

It’s from my experience and from all that I see

I am reclaiming my narrative, there’s no other way

Fun fact when I claim it, it’s here to stay.


So Black History Month this year

We’re reclaiming our voice

We’re reclaiming our narrative

And to that we’ll rejoice.



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