Community Nurses

We are a group of Specialist Learning Disability Nurses and support workers covering the city and county within 4 localities: City, South, North and West.

Our service is for adults over 18 with a confirmed diagnosis of an Intellectual Disability, sometimes called a Learning Disability. We work closely with other health professionals and social care.


What we can help with

We can give you advice about physical and mental health conditions. We can assess your health needs. We might work with you as an individual, or in a group. We may go to meetings to talk about how to help you stay well. 

Community nurses can help with:

  • Emotional and behavioural needs (e.g. positive behaviour support plans)
  • Understanding your own physical health needs (e.g. sleep hygiene, medications)
  • Getting the right help, you need from all health services.
  • Mindfulness
  • Sex and relationships
  • Mental health needs e.g. understanding your diagnosis, grief and bereavement

We will talk to you about the help you need and how we can support you.

This may include:

  • Working with your family and support staff
  • Giving you advice
  • Working with social care and other agencies.
  • Working with other health professionals e.g. doctor, hospital or dentist etc. 

Help in a crisis

Outside of office hours please contact your GP service, NHS 111, or in an emergency attend your local accident and emergency department.

Service opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (excluding bank holidays)

Information for health professionals

Team lead

Sara Dowling
Tel: 0115 8542233



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