Black History Month

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Black History Month

Black History Month runs throughout October and this year’s theme is ‘Time for Change: Action Not Words’. Black History Month (BHM) is an annual celebration of the contribution that people of Black African and Caribbean heritage have made both locally, nationally and across the world. We’re using the awareness month as an opportunity to celebrate staff of African Diaspora and to come together against racism, prejudice and injustice.

As part of this, staff from across the organisation have shared blogs about their culture, their achievements, why Black History Month is important to them and who inspires them. You can read them below. More will be added throughout the month. 

Hear from Natasha Bowen, Deputy Freedom to Speak Up Guardian

I’ve worked for the Trust for just over three years and whilst not all my experiences have been great, my early beginnings as a Clinical Admin Support gave me a platform to grow, learn, and develop my career. I’ve used my negative experiences to share awareness and enact changes that will hopefully improve the experiences of other staff members in similar situations that I found myself in.

Joining the EMBRace BME Staff Network and becoming a Freedom to Speak Up Champion enabled me to support others and educate myself in the importance of working together, learning from our mistakes, and driving forward change; we are stronger when we stand together.

Black History Month to me, means understanding Black history and learning about the contributions that many brilliant Black individuals have made to both British and global history, whilst celebrating and supporting Black achievements. My Granny came to the UK from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation and worked incredibly hard throughout times of overt discrimination and racism. I believe that she would be proud of the woman I’ve become today, championing for inclusivity, openness, and equality for all.

Natasha Bowen
Deputy Freedom to Speak Up Guardian



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