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Email issues at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

The issue impacted the Trust from 10pm, 19 March to 10pm, 20 March.

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Housekeeper learns sign language to better support Deaf patients on ward

Housekeeping Assistant on Grampian Ward goes above and beyond to ensure she can support Deaf patients.  

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Says ' Neurodiversity Celebration Week, March 17-23, 2025'
Neurodiversity Offender Health team – what do they do?

For Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2025 (17-23 March) we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some of the fantastic work of our Neurodiversity Offender Health team.

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Notts Nurse shortlisted in British Journal of Nursing Awards

We are proud to share that Christian Shanley, Clinical Nurse Practitioner at the Trust is shortlisted in the British Journal of Nursing Awards, in the Mental Health Nurse of the Year category. 

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