What is my project?
We ask that you contact the Research and Evidence team as soon as you have a project idea, so we can support you with the necessary approval process and discussions with the relevant services within the Trust.
The first question you need to ask yourself is “is my project research?”. Depending on the type of activities you want to do your study might be research, service evaluation, clinical audit or something else.
The Health Research Authority provide a table to which will help define what your study is View the defining research table.
There is also a toolkit on the Health Research Authority website which can help you determine if your study is research and if it requires REC approval.
Please see our handy guide to defining projects in the Trust, showing who to contact for support and approvals.
If your project falls under ‘Research’ you will be required to submit an application to the HRA for review. For more information on submitting your application to the HRA, please visit the HRA website.
All research in the NHS is required to have a sponsor. If you are considering undertaking a research project as a Trust employee, you will need to apply to the Trust for sponsorship. Researchers should familiarise themselves with the Trust's Research policy and can apply for Trust sponsorship using SOP-S001 which can be found here. If your proposed project is part of an academic qualification, your academic institution should be the sponsor.
The Research and Evidence Team are always on hand to advise and support should you need it and can be contacted via email at research@nottshc.nhs.uk.
Regulatory approvals for research
Health Research Authority (HRA) Approval is the process for all NHS research within England. This approval brings together the assessment of governance and legal compliance, with the independent REC opinion provided through the UK research ethics service.
There is a wealth of information/templates and advice available on the HRA website.
You will need to create a project in IRAS to be able to apply to the HRA. This will guide you to any additional approvals you may need to undertake depending on the nature of your study.
Participation in multi-site studies
If you are seeking Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust to be a site in your study we will review your study using the processes defined by the HRA. We encourage contact with relevant services as early as possible which the R&E Department can facilitate if required. Please send your Local Information Pack (LIP) to research@nottshc.nhs.uk.