UK-CRIS hero

CRIS (Powered by Akrivia Health)

CRIS is the Clinical Record Interactive Search system powered by Akrivia Health. The CRIS system allows access to our deidentified electronic patient records to help and support research studies, clinical audit, service evaluations, Quality Improvement projects here at the Trust.

What can CRIS do?

CRIS enables access to data held on RiO in a pseudonymised form. This includes progress notes and user assessment forms. This can be done using a standard search or one of the many NLP tools available on the platform to help interpret data currently not available elsewhere. This makes CRIS appropriate for projects such as research or clinical audit. 

CRIS can be used in various ways to help with your project:

  • Feasibility searches - to check if the patient population exists for your project
  • Pseudonymised service user data - access data for research, clinical audits, service evaluations, and QI projects.
  • Re-Identification - Help identify service users who meet your eligibility criteria for audit or research (with relevant approvals).


Cohort Builder - You can build and save cohorts based on user-specified inclusion and exclusion criteria, including functions for grouping and sets of criteria.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Akrivia Health’s AI-driven NLP tool allows access to data on demographics, diagnoses, medication, psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), and signs and symptoms. The NLP available data is derived from our service users' progress notes and interprets these written notes into easy searchable data removing the need review each entry manually. For example, the NLP can make sense of mentions of medication to identify if a patient is currently on a particular medication, was previously on it, or if it was just discussed.


CRIS Network - It's possible, with permission, to combine our data with that of other Trusts in the CRIS Network in a way that provides a far richer source of information to identify patterns and trends.


All our records are deidentified, meaning service users personal information is removed from the system, and access to CRIS is through a secure and trusted research environment that protects and maintains the anonymity of our service users. Patients who, through the national data opt-out, have opted out of their confidential patient information being used for research and planning, are not included in CRIS.


Please feel free to contact us for more information:

How secure is our data in CRIS?

The data within CRIS has had all identifying information removed, masked or modified to protect patient privacy and ensure no one can be identified.

Access to the database is tightly controlled and the data can only be accessed in a secure environment that prevents downloading data without explicit permission. As well as controlling access, only approved projects will be allowed access to the system.

These controls are managed by our CRIS Coordinator who carries out regular checks and audits on the system to ensure it is used appropriately. The Trust’s CRIS Oversight Committee oversees the use of CRIS.


How do I access CRIS?

CRIS is available for people doing relevant research, clinical audits, service evaluations, or Quality Improvement projects.  Please email for a CRIS Feasibility Search Request form (current version: 1.0) or a CRIS Project Registration Form (current version: 2.0). Please read the Terms and Conditions of use. The CRIS coordinator will send a Data Plan (if relevant), and advise you about the next steps.



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