Resource List
Latest News
The links below take you to the latest research related news
Health Research Authority
Health Research Authority (HRA) - information for planning and improving research, approval and amendments
Defining Research - HRA guidance outlining research, service evaluation, audit, and usual practice
Sponsorship - Roles and responsibilities of a research sponsor
HRA Training - training materials
UK Policy Framework for Health and Social Care Research - sets out principles of good practice in the management and conduct of health and social care research in the UK
HRA Student Research Toolkit - for students and their supervisors to understand what approvals are required and whether they are eligible to carry out their research in the UK
National Institute for Health and Care Research
Good Clinical Practice (GCP) - is the international ethical, scientific and practical standard to which all clinical research is conducted
NIHR Learn - provides a range of resources to develop your knowledge of clinical research
NIHRtv - you can find out more about the NIHR on its YouTube channel
- Remote Methods of Trial Delivery - information about running trials remotely and virtually
NIHR ARC East Midlands - YouTube channel
NIHR Evidence - presents high quality summaries of findings
NIHR Learning for Involvement - training and resources for public involvement in research
Be Part of Research - list of NIHR funded clinical trials
The Clinical Trials Toolkit - guidance for setting up and managing a Clinical Trial of an Investigational Medicinal Product (CTIMP)
ENRICH - Enabling Research in Care Homes
Incubator for mental health research - is one of a series of incubators established by the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) to build research capacity in priority areas. This website guides you through your options in research, sign-posting mentoring, internships, funding and training opportunities - for people at every career stage.
R – analysis software
NHS-R Community - promoting the use of R in the NHS
NHS-R Introduction to R and R Studio - workshop slides by Zoë Turner, Senior Data Scientist at the Midlands Decision Support Network
Data support
Research Support Service (East Midlands) - advice on project design, funding, PPI, and training opportunities
Health Data Research UK (HDRUK) - supporting connections between health datasets to support access for research and innovation
Health Data Access Tool Kit - aims to help you understand more about what approvals you need to access data
NHS DigiTrials Service - providing data, expertise and infrastructure specific for clinical trials
UK Health Data Research Alliance - our Trust is a member of the Health Data Research Alliance board
Other links
- CIPI Tool - Chief Investigator Principal Investigator (CIPI) Tool
CATCH - Clinical Academic Training and Careers Hub
EQUATOR Network - Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research - a great source of tips and reporting guidelines for many types of study designs
Research Passport - part of the IRAS HR Good Practice Resource Pack
Royal College of Physicians (RCP) research and innovation hub - provides a range of resources support clinicians looking to become more involved in research.
QNI Community Nursing Research Forum - A UK-wide Forum for nurses interested in community research with opportunities for peer support, mentorship, and supporting personal development and research opportunities
Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) - a public-private partnership funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) which aims to detect and treat dementia earlier than ever before
Join Dementia Research - Registering interest to be matched to suitable dementia research studies