Send Christmas eCards whilst donating to local charity

The Christmas holiday season is nearly upon us. Why not donate the cost of your Christmas cards and stamps to Nottinghamshire Healthcare's Charitable Fund and send our branded Christmas eCards instead?
Your donation will support our patients and colleagues. Money raised will be used for new equipment, development projects in patient areas, wellbeing items, books and other initiatives to ensure we enhance and provide the best possible experience of care for those using our services. You can find out more about the Trust's charity here.
Ifti Majid, Chief Executive at Nottinghamshire Healthcare said:
These eCards are a great way to share your Christmas wishes with family and friends, whilst also supporting a local charity which will directly benefit patients and healthcare colleagues. Your generosity and kindness will go a long way in making a positive impact on the lives of those who use and work in the Trust's services. A huge thank you to everyone who supports our charity.
So how do you get started?
We've joined the #DontSendMeACard platform, along with lots of other charities, to help you send your eCards and make a donation. It's easy to donate to the Trust's Charitable Funds via PayPal.
Just open the DontSendMeACard website here and follow the instructions to choose your card, add your personal message and make your donation.
Why chose an eCard?
Sending a Christmas eCard in place of a physical Christmas card has plenty of fantastic benefits:
- Cost-effective - When you send a Christmas eCard you do not need to design and print, or purchase physical cards and stamps. Not only are digital Christmas greeting cards time-savers, but they're also cost-effective.
- Immediate delivery - Your Christmas wishes will reach their destination immediately and, most importantly, on time as you are not relying on the postal service, which are incredibly busy during the peak holiday season.
- Sustainable - Christmas cards are simply tossed in the bin and may end up in landfill sites; this is especially the case if they are designed with non-recyclable materials such as foil or glitter. A Christmas eCard allows you to send a meaningful Christmas wish safe in the knowledge that you are helping the environment and reducing your carbon footprint.
*In the UK we spend £1.75 billion annually on greeting cards, that's a lot of paper and 33% of paper is not recycled.
*It takes 5 to 15 years for landfill paper to breakdown.
*The environmental impact of sending each card is 140g CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent) - the carbon footprint of sending one greeting card.
So let us all become more environmentally friendly and send Christmas eCards this year in exchange for a small donation of what you would have spent on your Christmas cards and stamps. It's easy and helps support the Trust's charity.
* The statistics above were taken from a report produced for DontSendMeACard by The Centre for Business and Climate Solutions at Exeter University.
Any donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference. If you would like to donate or for further information please contact us on email .
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