Ongoing development workshops for mindfulness teachers

In this section:

Arrow Trauma sensitive mindfulness

Arrow MBCT for depression: updates and developments. Where are we now and where are we going?

Arrow Mindfulness, compassion and the climate crisis

Arrow Ethics and professional issues in mindfulness-based teaching



Trauma sensitive mindfulness


Please visit this page again to find upcoming dates for this session, or email

Trauma-sensitive mindfulness (TSM) means taking a trauma-informed approach to the mindfulness and meditation practices we use in standard MBCT. To be trauma-sensitive means to have adopted the following ‘4 Rs’

  • Realise the widespread impacts of trauma
  • Recognise the signs of trauma
  • Respond skilfully with helpful tools
  • Re-traumatization (avoid)

There are a variety of tips and TSM ways of working that can be brought into your MBCT based teaching. We will highlight some key considerations to help ensure that you are guiding others as safely and responsibly as possible.

You will have the chance to experience some of the practices for yourself and you will be given resources as to where to learn more.

The workshop is free for mindfulness trained teachers. The workshop will be held on MS teams. For more information and to register your place please email:

Please view the trauma sensitive mindfulness poster .


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MBCT for depression: updates and developments. Where are we now and where are we going?

a bird cage with white birds flying out of itThis will be held by Tim Sweeney on Thursday 19 September 2024 9.30am to 4.30pm.

Mindfulness based cognitive therapy has been used as an evidence-based treatment for depression for over 20 years. During this time developments in the programme, new research findings and increased understanding of depression have taken place.

This workshop provides an overview of research developments in relation to MBCT, bringing latest findings and their implications for teaching MBCT into focus.

Understanding and discussion about the nature of depression and the role of mindfulness indeepening our knowledge of this complex mental health problem will be explored in theworkshop.

The workshop is designed to support the practice of mindfulness-based teachers and is free. It will be hold on Microsoft Teams.

For more information and to register your place please email .

Please view the MBCT for depression poster .


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Mindfulness, compassion and the climate crisis

dcfd Please visit this page again to find upcoming dates for this session, or email

Widespread awareness of the climate crisis has not led to appropriate action either by leaders oras part of mass society.

In this workshop we will consider:

  • How mindful and compassionate reconnection is crucial both in helping us to address theconditions that caused the situation and overcome barriers to action.
  • How avoidance is a common coping strategy. Remaining engaged, calls us to strengthen ourinner resources to build resilience.

We will draw on the latest thinking within the field as we reflect on both our individual role andas a mindfulness community as to our contribution within a complex world.

The workshop will be held on-line via MS Teams.

This workshop is free of charge. Please email for more informationand the booking form.

Please view the mindfulness, compassion and the climate crisis poster.


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Ethics and professional issues in mindfulness-based teaching


Please visit this page again to find upcoming dates for this session, or email

This workshop is for trained mindfulness teachers who are interested in future developments for mindfulness groups, particularly in the context of ethics and integrity in teaching. Within the developing field of mindfulness-based programmes, where do we look for guidance around professional practice and ethics? How do we ensure the safety and well-being of our participants and ourselves? How can we contribute to and uphold the integrity of the mindfulness-based approaches within a changing and challenging world? 

This workshop will offer a framework within which we can explore these themes through experiential work, group discussion and reflecting on the available literature. 

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Recognise in what ways you are already practicing with integrity. 
  • Identify ethical moments that show up in your teaching practice and begin to develop a plan for ongoing reflection and exploration. 
  • Name some of the key ethical themes currently arising in the field of mindfulness-based approaches and begin to consider how they might impact on your teaching practice.

This workshop will be facilitated by Pamela Duckerin who is a teacher, trainer and supervisor with the Mindfulness Network and the Centre For Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP). She has developed a keen interest in this topic, facilitating trainings and workshops and has written a chapter in a recent mindfulness skills book.

Duckerin, P. (2021). Professional Practice. In R. S. Crane, Karunavira, & G. M. Griffith (Eds.), Essential resources for mindfulness teachers. Routledge. (Chapter 22). 

This workshop will be held at University of Nottingham. Jubilee Campus, Triumph Road. Jubilee Hotel and Conference centre. Nottingham. NG7 2PU. The workshop is free for mindfulness trained teachers. For more information and to register your place please email: .

Please view the Ethics and professional practice poster.


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