IEV Hero

Involvement, Experience and Volunteering

The Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Team puts what matters to people at the heart of what Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust does to improve their health and wellbeing.

Our dedicated team works to make this happen with people who have experience of the Trust’s services, their carers and communities, colleagues and local organisations.

We aim to:  

  • Listen and Improve: Peoples’ feedback matters to us and we actively listen to their experiences and suggestions. We use this to improve people’s care.
  • Create Partnerships: We work in inclusive partnerships with people and organisations on projects designed to bring about positive changes in both services and people’s lives. People’s ideas and perspectives are key to help us to create compassionate and effective healthcare.
  • Support and Value Volunteers: The passion and dedication of our volunteers help support and challenge our services to be better. We support them to take up opportunities to help our services and have their voice heard.

Be part of the IEV Team and use your experiences and insights to help us create services that value your input, genuinely care and make a difference to all our communities health and wellbeing.

Latest news from the IEV team

Involvement Partner Jaydee sitting on a bench giving thumbs up
Involvement Partner Jaydee gives his account of being involved with the Patient and Carer Information Group

The Involvement, Experience and Volunteering team host a weekly Patient and Carer Information Group where we invite people who have experience of our services to meet and review and co-design literature that is produced by the Trust to give information about health related matters. There are four strands to this group (Review of Trust documents fo

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'No choice but to care' report launches

Report published to coincide with Carers Week

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Carers Week: Putting carers on the map

This week, 10 to 16 June 2024, the Trust will be supporting Carers Week, a UK-wide awareness campaign seeking to increase visibility for carers with decision makers, services, employers, communities, and businesses.

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Vocal workshop for Carers

* Thursday 13 June 2024 * 10.30 - 12.30 A fun and inclusive vocal workshop for Carers - focused on enhancing your wellbeing! “In tune or out of tune, have fun and find your voice…” A two-hour vocal workshop exploring breathing, posture, your voice and singing. Neil Allen, Carer and an experienced vocal workshop leader will b

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