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Trust colleague wins regional award for support of Armed Forces Community

We are delighted at Nottinghamshire Healthcare, that Harjit Bailey, who has been our Armed Forces Community (AFC) Network Co-Chair over the last two years, won the Employee Forces Hero Award in the Boots and Beret Awards, for her dedication to support our Armed Forces Community.
Harjit Bailey won the Employee Forces Hero Award for the incredible influence she has had within our organisation on the AFC. She has personally driven the agenda forward over the last two years and ensured that the AFC is focused on at Board, colleague and patient levels alike.
As a Trust, we are holders of the Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award and are a Veterans Aware organisation, which makes us very proud. However, it is the work that has been undertaken supporting our colleagues and patients that we are most proud of.
Our thriving Armed Forces Community Network (AFCN) has over 100 members. This AFCN meets regularly and works to support each other, share knowledge and make improvements for colleagues and patients alike.
Jennifer Guiver, Executive Director of People and Culture said:
“Huge congratulations to Harjit on this fantastic achievement. We are very proud that the Armed Forces Community is firmly embedded within our Trustwide equality agenda, and it is inspiring to see how this community is thriving thanks to the fantastic work that has gone in to supporting them in so many areas.
“We’re really proud of Harjit and all members of the network involved in this important work.
Harjit established our Armed Forces Community Network (AFCN) for colleagues all across the 150+ sites of our organisation to come together as a community to share, learn and improve things for those colleagues and patients within the AFC.
Through Harjit, the network provides regular newsletters and information packs for members, and holds both Breakfast Clubs and Family Coffee Chats led by Network members. She has also been instrumental in organising events for our AFC such as the Military March, Armed Forces Day and Remembrance events, holding flag raising and social events at different locations across the Trust.
Harjit said: “I’m honoured that my role has been recognised and I’m determined to keep raising awareness of the financial, emotional and general day to day support that is available to veterans and armed forces personnel who may need it at some stage of their life.”
Of huge significance, Harjit has used her influence with our clinical teams to ensure that our AF patients are now identified through their records. This then helps us to identify further support that is available for veterans.
Harjit has been committed to helping applicants from the AFC with their job hunt at the Trust, and supported them and the teams they have applied to with the different ‘language’ between the NHS and Armed Forces.
She has made great connections with other organisations linked to the AF both locally and nationally. As a proud wife of a veteran, her passion and enthusiasm for the work for the AFC is second to none.
Winners were announced at an awards ceremony on 22 August