Donation form
Please ensure you complete this form and return it with your donations.
There are many ways you can help us make a difference:
Donations go into one of our charitable fund pots, depending on the donor’s wishes. Donated funds are subject to strict controls and are only permitted to be used for charitable purposes, defined by law and the object of the charity.
When giving you can specify a purpose for the money such as to benefit service users or staff welfare. Alternatively, your gift can be for the general purpose of the Trust, or for a ward or department.
When giving a donation, you can tell us where you would like it to go, and who you would like it to benefit.
Post your sponsor forms, donation form and cheque to: Nottinghamshire Healthcare Charity, Ground Floor, 200 Lichfield Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 4RG.
We have a number of locations across Nottinghamshire where you can drop off sponsorship forms and donations in person. Please email for a list of locations near you.
The Charity is pleased to be able to offer a bank transfer option. Please contact for more information including bank account details.